Technical Experience

RNCI professionals have extensive nuclear experience and offers a wide and diverse background of technical experience in Mechanical, Electrical, I&C engineering, as well as, Engineering Programs, Fire Protection, License Renewal, and Design Engineering.

License Renewal

Our professional and support staff experience includes application or implementation projects for the following: American Electric Power (AEP) Company, D.C. Cook; Duke Energy (Progress Energy), Brunswick; DTE Energy, Fermi Nuclear Power Plant; Entergy Operations, Inc. (EOI), Arkansas Nuclear One Units 1 and 2, Grand Gulf, Riverbend, and Waterford 3; Entergy Nuclear Northeast, James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant, Indian Point Energy Center Units 2, and 3, Palisades Nuclear Plant, Pilgrim Nuclear Generating Plant, and Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant; Exelon Generation Co., Braidwood Generating Station, Byron Generating Station, Clinton, LaSalle County Generating Station, Limerick, Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, and Three Mile Island; First Energy, Beaver Valley, and Davis-Besse Plant; Nebraska Public Power District, Cooper Station; PSEG Nuclear, Hope Creek and Salem; Southern Nuclear Operating Co., Plant Hatch and Farley; and Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), Sequoyah Nuclear Plant. Several of the above projects were completed through a subcontract or as members of the engineering staffs of other companies.

Our engineers have developed or been involved with the development of many of the industry standard documents on the subject of license renewal and cable aging, including the EPRI License Renewal Electrical Handbook (EPRI Report No. 1013475).

The founding engineer developed the Non-EQ Cable Connection Program that was the template for LR-ISG-2007-2. LR-ISG-2007-2 was the input for the program described in NUREG-1801, Revision 2.

RNCI also participates in many industry groups related to license renewal. Our engineers are participants in the License Renewal Electrical Working Group (LREWG) that developed the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Report No. 1013475 (and 1003057) and License Renewal Electrical Handbook and EPRI Report No. 1003458, as well as the License Renewal Electrical Template and the License Renewal Implementation Working Group (LRIWG).

License Renewal - LRA Development and Support

Scoping Reports
Aging Management Program Documents
Electrical, Class 1 and Non-Class 1 Mechanical, Civil/Structural Aging Management Review
10 CFR 54.4 (a)(2) Walkdown/Report development
NRC Request for Information (RAI) Response
NRC Audit Support
Peer and SER reviews
ACRS and ASLB meeting support

Nuclear Power Plant

License Renewal - Implementation

Implementation Scoping Documents (Project Plans)
Drafting/Revising Procedures, preventive maintenance tasks
Commitment change development
Licensing basis document revision
Field inspections with report development for the following aging management programs:

  • XI.M27 - Fire Water System (50 year sprinkler head testing and replacement)
  • XI.M32 - One-Time Inspection
  • XI.M33 - Selective Leaching
  • XI.M36 - External Surfaces Monitoring of Mechanical Components
  • XI.E1 - Insulation Material for Electrical Cables and Connections Not Subject to 10 CFR 50.49 Environmental Qualification Requirements
  • XI.E2 - Insulation Material for Electrical Cables and Connections Not Subject to 10 CFR 50.49 Environmental Qualification Requirements Used in Instrumentation Circuits
  • XI.E3 - Inaccessible Power Cables Not Subject to 10 CFR 50.49 Environmental Qualification Requirements
  • XI.E4 - Metal-Enclosed Bus
  • XI.E6 - Electrical Cable Connections Not Subject to 10 CFR 50.49 Environmental Qualification Requirements
Side of Cooling Tower 

Fire Protection - 805

RNCI staff have directly supported many 805 projects including Southern Nuclear Operating Co., Plant Hatch, Farley, and Vogtle; and Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), Browns Ferry RNCI staff understand regulatory and industry issues related to fire protection. We offer a broad range of Fire Protection program and system services including:

  • Fire Hazards Analysis
  • Fire Modeling
  • Code Compliance Assessments
  • Penetration Seal Programs
  • NFPA 805 Implementation and Program Maintenance
  • Program Assessments, Self- Assessments and Audit Readiness Reviews
  • Licensing/Design/Program Basis Documentation
  • Procedure Upgrade/Development
  • Offsite/Onsite Consulting Support

Design Engineering and Design Modifications

RNCI professionals have the technical experience to provide support or manage projects for the design modification process. Our specific experience includes the following:

  • Project scoping studies or reports
  • Cost Analysis
  • Schedule Development
  • Design packages (conceptual and final designs)
  • Field installation engineering support
  • Post modification testing and startup testing support

Systems Design

  • Component specification
  • Identification of ASME Section XI boundaries
  • Breaker replacement
  • Inverter replacement
  • Appendix R
  • Equipment qualification
  • Instrument uncertainty analysis
  • Loop calibrations
  • Field instrumentation
  • Analytical instrumentation
  • Programmable Logic Controllers
  • Ladder logic
  • Distributed control systems
  • Digital instrument upgrades
  • Plant Computer Replacement / Upgrades
  • Discreet control systems (Turbine EHC, Feedwater, Feed pump)
Arkansas Nuclear One